A lot of changes this week. Though he’s been sleeping in the cot for a long time, this week we gave back the bassinet that was loaned to us, so we grabbed one quick photo with him. It’s truly amazing how much he’s grown.
We also had another last journey this week: he now has the neck strength, and the size to leave his capsule behind. Here’s the last photo of him in the capsule.
On Sunday afternoon, we changed the car over from the capsule to the new baby seat. By Monday afternoon, he’d learned a new trick: sleeping in the baby seat while we were driving.
He continues to be strong, and interested in anything he can reach. Here he is playing with his monkey.
The mirror is becoming a big part of his playtime. He likes looking at his reflection, and using it to see things behind him.
He’s getting better at sitting, too, but has yet to work out how to sit up by himself.