week 249 / week 121

Another week mostly in the shadow of Dad’s essay writing, but there were quite a few chances for some family time, plus we had the Grandragon around so the kids had a great week. Puff had plenty of time to develop his climbing skills – he’s continuing to improve in confidence.

puff climbing

Mum pointed out that Puff’s stilt walking has also greatly improved. He has to concentrate pretty carefully still, but he can walk reliably now.

puff stilt-walking

Dad had Friday off so that Mum could be out for the day, so he took the kids to swimming lessons. They had a great time. It’s hard to believe how quickly they are improving. Huff is learning to be more confident in her floating, 

huff and puff at the pool

We managed to head out for a while to feed the ducks in a garden. It was a reasonable difficulty level – the ducks had some ibis friends who didn’t want to share the bread, and Huff has a tendency to feed very large pieces of bread to the ducks, but they had a great time.

huff and puff feeding ducks

After feeding the ducks, it was time to play an adapted Kogworks game called popcorn Kogworks and watch some Octonauts. Both kids were very interested in watching the popping of the popcorn.

huff and puff watching the popcorn

Puff never really tired of Kogworks this week, playing game after game against Dad – he was a bit of a natural at it. He was struggling a bit more with tangrams, but enjoyed putting the shapes together.

puff playing tangrams

Puff had his first walkathon this week. Huff went along too – they did a great job walking up and down hills to raise money for Puff’s preschool. 

For no reason: here’s Huff enjoying a babycino.

huff babycino-ing

And one last picture: with the car keys safely stored elsewhere, Huff and Puff had a quick chance to see what it’s like to drive a car. Still a while to go before they’ll be able to see over the steering wheel and push the pedals at the same time!

huff and puff behind the wheel (no keys)

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