week 247 / week 119

It’s been a packed week. A couple of very early starts getting Dad to a couple of very early appointments saw some extra-early bedtimes and some rugged up children.

Here they are having breakfast at the physio. Huff has had a love-hate relationship with ‘squeezey yoghurt” this week.

huff and puff having squeeze yoghurt

Here they are enjoying breakfast at The Grounds very early in the morning.

huff and puff having breakfast

And what visit would be complete without looking at the animals? 

huff and puff at the grounds

With some more time to fill in, Huff and Puff played at Sydney Park, where there’s a fairly high rope bridge. Huff was very brave with her brother to copy.

huff and puff on the bridge

Not really enjoying the camera flash, but keen enough to ride in her own toy stroller that she strapped herself into it.

huff fits in a toy stroller

Swimming lessons remain a big favourite. Puff had the chance after class to show off his diving skills. He’s still learning how to direct himself downward through the water, but his confidence and resilience is very impressive. Huff learnt how to be a monkey, climbing around the edge of the pool unassisted.

huff and puff at swimming

Perhaps it’s the influence of Peppa Pig, but Huff was playing with this doll and this dinosaur, and the dinosaur was almost certainly chewing the doll.

huff playing with a doll and a dinosaur

Back outside again, Huff exerted her fearlessness with a few solo ladder climbs.

huff climbing a ladder

Puff had a chance to listen to “the ocean” firsthand in a cafe stop.

puff listening to the ocean

And Dad spent some time explaining some graphs and charts related to coffee brewing.

puff learning about coffee with Dad

Sunday saw us take a “family fun day” outing to Manly, travelling by train, ferry and even bus at one point. We had very tired but happy children.

mum with puff

It’s possible that Huff learned to regret taking out her hair ties before travelling on the ferry – her hair went a little bit wild.

family portrait

Dad really enjoyed having a balance of time spent working on his essay (thanks Aunty C for helping watch the kids on Saturday) and family time. It was a very pleasant week all told.




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