week 243 / week 115

Another week – we had a surprise visit from the Grandragon this week, which has been good timing, coinciding with the school holidays.

Puff is growing up: here’s a photo of him having climbed to the top of this structure.

puff - top of the world

Huff wasn’t doing so badly herself, climbing up the ramp to the right of the photo, and sliding down this enormous slide, then repeating it again and again to the point of exhaustion.

huff - expert slider

Puff had fun swinging here: it’s a little hard to tell, but he’s up in the air.

puff swinging

Huff preferred driving a pretend car

huff pretending to drive

On a rainy day we had lunch in a cafe, where a friend read stories to Puff and Huff. Huff had a much better time than her expression might suggest.

huff and puff hearing a story

Puff spent a lot of time sitting in a chair, reading by himself.

puff reading by himself

Huff, ever fickle, wanted Dad to read the same story to her.

huff listening to Dad read a story

Have we covered this before? When asked to smile on camera, Huff pulls awful faces at the moment.

huff smiling for the camera

Somehow Mum managed to persuade Huff and Puff to share a drink, and they carried it off without fighting.

huff and puff sharing a drink

In other news: the watermelon plant that we put in the ground just after Christmas has produced fruit. Puff was so excited when he found it that he yelled out, and Mum thought he’d hurt himself.

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