week 242 / week 114

Another week gone! Happy birthday to Aunty C, who we saw a couple of times this week. 

Puff is strong enough to push his sister in a shopping trolley, which he had a great time with.

puff pushing huff in a shopping trolley

The kids had a chance to stay up very late when we went out for dessert and dinner with Aunty C for her birthday. Here they are making sure they both give her a present.

huff and puff handing over a present

With the end of the swimming school term, Puff can swim 3m unassisted and float, so he was awarded a level 2 swimming certificate, which he was very happy about. They even made one for him with “Dragon” as the surname, though that seemed to be a result of confusion on their part.

Saturday brought us to Eveleigh markets for breakfast with friends. Puff was happy to have blini for breakfast again. Here he is looking serious (he’s regularly asking us to take photos of his food at the moment… occupational hazard I guess).

puff showing off his breakfast

Huff managed to last a little while sitting politely and eating yoghurt, and eventually wanted to run around. She was very excited to see all the puppies at the markets.

huff at breakfast

But even more excited when Dad finally put the pretend sink into the cubby house. She danced on the cubby house floor for quite a while.

huff in the renovated cubby

On Sunday afternoon, during a walk, Puff and Huff noticed they could see their shadows very clearly. Puff is convinced that his shadow is “almost as tall as Dad’s”, though he may still have some catching up to do. Here they are comparing their shadows.

huff and puff checking out their shadows

Huff is much more confident at walking, and can even last for some distance walking a few blocks to get to the park. The kids were a bit worn out from all their adventuring, and have had quiet days for Monday and Tuesday, making the most of Puff’s school holidays.

One little thing to remember: Huff and Puff arguing over who was the character in “Oh the places you’ll go!” – they each thought that it was them, until the very last page when Huff conceded that it was (at least on that page), Puff.

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