This week Puff had a couple of dress-up days at preschool. He decided he wanted to be a green cat, and so Mum made him a costume, and even painted his face for one of the two days! Here he is with the trial run face paint on. He looks serious, but he was having a great time.
After work a couple of nights this week we went out to eat. They kids were pretty tired, but dessert made it all worthwhile (for them at least).
Huff and Puff had a cupcake and a babycino each while spending time with their friends.
Puff’s performance in swimming lessons has picked up a lot with the addition of goggles to his swimming gear. Huff is jealous, but there are no pairs of goggles small enough to wrap tightly around her head!
On Friday night Mum went into the city to meet some work people, so Dad took over the parenting for a little while. We looked at fish, and ate pizza and gelato, and generally had a great time.
The place we were eating had a big TV above the table. Huff managed to give the impression that she was listening (and even spent a lot of time eating her dinner). Here she is hamming it up.
Puff was rather less subtle in his TV watching.
We had so much fun on Friday night that we went out again in the morning while Mum had a sleep-in.
Sunday was the end of daylight savings. The kids slept in, but it still wasn’t enough for Huff – she fell asleep in her Dad’s lap while he read her “the 11th hour”.
Tuesday night saw us eat dinner out. Afterwards, we played a bit of family air hockey, girls vs boys. Girls won – here’s their victory dance.
Huff is creating more and more sentences, but we still struggle to understand the individual words that she’s using for some things (e.g. “manooes” for “my shoes”).
See you next week!