week 234 / week 106

Another week, another couple of family birthdays. Uncle J and Aunty S both hit new milestones, and – though we spent time with both of them – we don’t have photos of the events that work for the blog.

Instead, more musing about how much the kids have grown up. Here is Puff, fresh back from his latest Kindermusik class. He’s getting to be really quite tall.

puff. very tall

Here’s a picture he drew of Dad this week. Dad was especially pleased with the little features – like the beard. Amazing what he’s capable of doing now.

puff's drawing of dad

And here’s Dad and Puff back from a trip to the barber to get haircuts.

dad and puff with new haircuts

Now that Puff is at pre-school, Mum and Huff get to spend more time together. Here is Huff at a recent IKEA trip, trying out the furniture.

huff testing out a showroom bed

On Friday night Mum brought a late-napping Huff and Puff to meet Dad at the train station. We all went out for dinner, and then walked and strollered back home. Here are the kids, looking very cool in their sunglasses.

huff and puff out for dinner

Saturday afternoon, after seeing uncle J for his birthday, and playing in the playground at Cronulla, we went to the beach at Kernell: it was a great spot to take the kids, and they had a great time splashing in the water and playing with the sand. 

huff puff and mum at the beach

One last anecdote for the week. Puff and Huff have been playing a few times this week with these toys – they have a bunch of little fruits and vegetables, and they play at making pies. Puff pretends to cut up the vegetables with a toy knife, and keeps the toy knife away from his sister, as she’s not old enough to use a pretend knife. Huff for the most part is happy with this state of affairs.

huff and puff making a pie

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