We had a great little overnight trip up to the Hunter Valley to see the Christmas lights display (which continue on until Australia Day). We stayed at the Hunter Resort and Puff enjoyed learning about grapes and how they grow.
The real highlight of the trip for the kids was the lights display. We arrived around 6:30pm for dinner, and then walked through the park – it’s a long way, and we were glad we brought the stroller! Puff managed to walk for some of it.
Huff enjoyed looking at the different shapes and colours – there was a lot that she recognised.
After sunset, the lights are even more impressive. Mum managed to find some glow-in-the-dark bracelets for the kids which were a big hit – Huff was still wearing hers after bedtime.
The next day we had a look at some of Mum and Dad’s favourite parts of the Hunter Valley. Huff managed to sit through a fair amount of a wine appreciation seminar, but Dad had to take her out after a while in search of Sam (“Yam”), the winery’s dog. Here’s Huff mid-way through a walk around the balcony at Audrey Wilkinson.
Once back in Sydney, Dad took Puff out in search of coffee. We split a brownie, and Puff was impressed, once his babycino cooled down.
On Australia Day too, we went to a friend’s house for a party. Here are the kids enjoying a picnic dinner.
Sunday morning was breakfast with Dad and Puff again – Puff picked the button-up shirt because it would make him look handsome. It did.
After church, we went for afternoon tea at a cafe in Marrickville. Huff had a good go at a milkshake.
Monday was a chance to catch up with one of Dad’s old friends from uni. The kids had fun playing with a variety of board games, and even managed to try out the piano (and some other instruments).
Oh, and today was Puff’s first day at preschool. How quickly the time has gone! Mum and Dad have both been a bit sad to see a new chapter of life starting up: have we done enough to prepare him for this new transition?
By all accounts, he had a great day, and is even looking forward to going back. Huff was a bit sad that he didn’t stay around, but managed to cope okay.
Despite lots of late nights this weeks, the kids were – for the most part – well behaved.