This is the last week before Puff turns 4! Dad is having some trouble coming to terms with how fast he’s growing up. It was a bit of a struggle to get Puff to come along to Kids’ church this Sunday – he wanted to stay with Dad in church – but we persevered, and he had a good time, showing off some more craft, and speaking fondly of the lesson.
He’s getting more and more confident about climbing and exploring new playgrounds.
Meanwhile his sister is getting into eating sushi (well, the non-fish kind).
Puff woke up Mum and Dad on Saturday morning to ask if it was still winter. He had a little recipe booklet, and had decided that cooking an Apple and Butterscotch Sponge Pudding was the order of the day.
Huff wasn’t quite so helpful, but she was happy to lick the bowl at the end of the mixing.
Having Grandragon and Bandit around has meant a lot of extra time in the backyard for the kids. Huff has even figured out how to climb up the (2) steps in the backyard, which is very impressive.
Saturday was some father-son time for Dad and Puff; a trip to a cafe, shopping for apples, and even getting haircuts together.
Grandragon gave Huff and Puff some training chopsticks – they had a great time eating their sausage-and-vegetables together.
Dad’s trying to enjoy as much of this last week of Puff being three.