week 207 / week 79

It’s been another big week. Grandragon gave him an “Angry Birds” hoodie, which he absolutely loves. He’s been wearing it as much as he possible can all week. 

Mum brought Huff and Puff in for a visit with Dad while he was at work, but they were both asleep for it!

Puff sleeping through visiting Dad

Grandragon has been staying with us for most of the week. Here she is with Huff and Puff out to get a promised babycino.

huff and puff with the grandragon

Saturday, Mum wanted a sleep in, so Dad and Puff headed out on a public transport adventure. Given the choice of heading to the city or going to Eveleigh Markets, Puff chose the markets in a heartbeat and was very excited to see that the Blini bar was open for business.

blini bar

Puff and Dad went on further adventures: train, ferry and bus, and ended up with some Zumbo macaroons.

puff with zumborons

After that trip, it was time to head to P’s birthday party, where he reinforced his obsession with Angry Birds by asking to have his face painted. He had a great time overall, while his sister had a good time bouncing on the trampoline.

puff - angry birds fan

Oh, and sitting in a grown-up chair by herself, and eating popcorn.

huff sitting in her own chair

Sunday was another milestone – his first time at Sunday school. Dad had a bit of trouble letting go.

puff at Sunday School

Sunday afternoon after church was lunch at a cafe, then a visit to see Grandma and Doc. Puff had another Just So story read to him.

puff - stories with grandma

Huff was listening to Aunty S read her a story.

huff - stories with Aunty S

This week Huff had her first Slurpee. Well, part of one.

huff - trying some slurpee

She’s ever more confident moving around, but still no walking. She loves having Bandit around – she’s often trying to pat him.

huff on the steps

This week, after his bible story, Puff asked “Why did Jesus have to die?” and Dad had to explain it.

Not long to go now, and we’ll have a 4 year old in our midst!

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