week 205 / week 77

Dad is a bit tired at time of writing: Mum is sick, and Dad has been doing a little more looking after the kids than usual. Today was a trip to a park, watching both of them and keeping them in the same place was a bit of a challenge.

huff and puff at the playground

Saturday was a big day. Puff helped out with breakfast in the morning (Dad was standing close by, but he’s getting competent at this particular drill).

puff making breakfast

 From there, we went down to Moss Vale markets – there were lots of things to look at. The live poultry was a particular favourite – even Huff was enthusiastically quacking.

huff, puff and mum looking at poultry at moss vale markets

From there, we headed further down the road – we were in Robertson, and so Dad and Puff stopped for a quick photo with the Big Potato while Huff slept in the car.

puff in front of the big potato

After that, we went down to the Illawarra Fly for a look – we saw a roadside tourist sign that said “treetop walk” and decided to have a look. Huff liked it.

huff in the stroller

 Mum wasn’t quite so sure (and even Dad had a moment’s hesitation with the heights), but managed to avoid the spiral staircase of the main tower by staying with the stroller.

mum and huff at illawarra fly

Puff and Dad made it all the way to the top.

puff mum and dad (huff waiting in the stroller)

 There were a few photo-boards around the place. This was one favourite (Puff had huge amounts of energy, and kept running along all the way back to the kiosk).

puff and the snake

 Sunday was the annual church soccer match. There was one match that was adults vs teenagers, and another match for the little kids. With some gentle encouragement, and suitable handicapping for his experience level, Puff kicked the deciding penalty goal. Here he is with the “salt pan cup”. 

puff, who kicked the winning goal

 During the week, Mum brought the kids into the city to have a lunchbreak with Dad. 

puff and huff lunching on a train

 After playing at Darling Park (including a courageous couple of attempts on the two-storey high slippery dip), they made their way to Zumbo’s cafe at the Star. He was very excited. 

puff at zumbo. say zumbo!

Huff is getting more and more confident with her little car. There are times when she’s happy to ride on it, and other times when she prefers to scream her displeasure. This is one of the happy times.

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