week 202 / week 74

Dad has had a couple of days off, which has led to a lot more interaction with the kids than usual. It’s made for some long days, and sleeping in the car.

puff - tired after a long day huff - tired after a long day

He managed to crash the tail-end of a morning tea, where Huff was working away at some low-tech telephony.

huff with old-school technology

A birthday party for a visiting friend had us make a trip to Symbio wildlife park. Puff fed his first kangaroo (and, less successfully, had a goat steal not one but two bags of food through the fence)

puff - feeding a kangaroo at symbio

The high point for the kids was to see some animals up close, and get to touch them. The underbelly of an alligator is the soft part, Puff found out.

puff - road-testing an alligator

Huff only made it as far as the scales on the top.

huff - road-testing an alligator

A little more soft-toy like were the possums. Huff loved the brush tail possum.

huff meets a possum

And the ring tail possum grabs your finger with its tail when it gets the chance.

huff meets a possum

Puff was sitting on Dad’s lap, so it was a bit trickier to get the action photos, but his reaction was unmistakeable.

puff at symbio

With some extra time, we’ve managed to grab the DSLR camera, which has made for a few extra close-up photos.

puff - close-up

A trip to the Blue Mountains saw us get a rare family photo together (with the three sisters).

family shot at the three sisters

It turns out that we have a lot of warm clothes, but they’re all pretty masculine.

huff with dad's beanie

We also took a trip on the Scenic Skyway: Puff was uncomfortable on the outbound trip, but seemed to have overcome his anxieties for the return journey, even asking if we could go again. One day.

puff on the scenic skyway

He also found his first pinball game – it was on free-play, and had a chair set up next to it, so Dad thought it might be fun.

puff - pinball wizard in training

We’ve had quite a few extra trips to cafes this week: Huff’s babycino technique has significantly improved.

One downside: the family has been sick for most of the week: lots of colds, more waking in the middle of the night than usual: – we’re hoping for some more unbroken sleep and a chance to get well again. See you next week!

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