A journey into uncharted territory for Dad this week, putting both kids to bed by himself two nights this week. It’s a slightly larger challenge to read a book to two kids while keeping one of them from turning the pages or otherwise damaging anything. It went smoothly, and both kids went to sleep very quickly.
We’ve had some trouble getting Huff used to cleaning her teeth: we’ve tried lots of different things – the latest has been letting Huff copy her big brother. Puff has taken this a step further, and he now brushes his toy monkey’s teeth while Huff gets her teeth brushed.
A trip to Chinatown for a mid-week lunch with Dad saw us walk past the brightly painted alley – there was time to take a couple of staged photos with Puff: this was the best of them. Impressively, he can (pretty well) navigate from here to the shop where we buy the custard puffs.
Here we were at lunch: Dad was watching the kids while Mum wandered the food court. They were very well behaved.
Huff has a gorgeous grin.
Puff and Huff had a few chances this week to help mum in the kitchen. Here they are helping clean the various beaters and stirrers from a cake.
Huff, sharing Mum’s kebab, decided that it wasn’t enough to eat the meat out of the kebab, she had to hold the whole thing!
Puff and Huff spent time with a bunch of friends this week: – here he is H and J: they were trying to see who could get into the leg irons.
There was a lot of walking on this day – Puff took the opportunity to rest for a bit by the harbour.
A few other events:
- a trip to a cafe in Engadine where Dad, Puff and Huff sat and watched the babycinos being made in front of us
- birthday party for a friend where Puff played outside in “plain feet” until it was dark, bouncing on the trampoline and taking the occasional goal attempt in soccer
- lunch at a dumpling shop in Hurstville
- caught up with some visiting friends – more on this next week.