week 200 / week 72

A bit of a quiet week with a packed weekend. Dad even managed to have a night out (once the kids were in bed).

During the week, Mum took the kids to Costco. They both still fit in the trolley, and the shopping trip is much easier when they’re sharing one of the giant smoothies across two cups.

huff and puff split a smoothie

Saturday was a trip to a friend’s birthday party (little J turned 4). Huff enjoyed crawling around, and even started to navigate some of the single steps that separated a couple of rooms.

huff at a party

Puff had his first ever go at pin the tail on the donkey – he managed to beat the veterans, and win a prize!

puff - first pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey

Huff varies between being extremely unhappy, and being happy and wanting cuddles with her Dad. Here she is, happily distracted for a period of time.

huff and a duck

Mum and Dad took some time on Sunday afternoon for a date of sorts – we all wandered up to a local cafe for hot chocolates and babycinos. The kids were blissfully quiet and distracted for a short period of time. 

huff and a babycino

The trip up to the cafe was fun: Dad and Puff ran ahead, at Puff’s insistence. To try and keep ahead of Mum, we ran at various speeds. First 60, then 100, then one million, then some new numbers. Dad has taught Puff about a googol, and a googolplex. Puff made up the number “1 pintillion” (1 with a million zeroes after it) and “1 pintillion plex” (1 with a pintillion zeroes). It’s fun watching his brain work on these things.

With the rainy weather today, Mum took Huff and Puff to an indoor play centre. Puff is increasingly confident and agile in these spaces.

puff adventures

One favourite is the ball pit: they’re getting better at playing together without disagreeing.

huff and puff in the ball pit

A couple of other highlights:

  • a trip to the local sports club for dinner and gelato ended up a late night when Puff was still asleep as Dad arrived home. Dinner went well, but dessert saw some frayed tempers
  • Mum took both kids into the city to run some errands. She called into her old work to say hi to some old friends, and visited Dad for a coffee (more frayed tempers)

See you next week!

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