week 199 / week 71

A few stills from this week. 

Puff and Huff were a bit stir crazy after a wet weekend, and so Mum took them to Cronulla for a run on the beach (Puff had a great time chasing seagulls and looking at the footprints they’d left behind) and some gelato. Here they are in the stroller with the gelato: the facing-opposite-ways helps resolve arguments of who has what food.

huff and puff enjoying gelato

Food envy remains a big problem for Huff. If someone else has food that she doesn’t have, she immediately decides that the food in front of her is no longer appealing, and demands the food that the other person has.

Little milestones often go un-noticed, but Puff is competent to work a bubbler now.

puff: achievement unlocked - sprinkler

Sunday afternoon saw us visit some friends; everyone played together quite happily, and we re-watched the Muppet Movie on DVD. 

huff, puff and friends

Here’s Huff beating out a rhythm while waiting for lunch to arrive.

huff, beating a drum

Puff’s highpoint of a trip to Bondi Junction Westfield was a visit to T2, but he seemed to like some of the furniture too.

puff, looking lanky

A piece of paper was turned into confetti by Puff, and here he is cleaning up the snowstorm into a little bucket (rest assured the car was safely parked for this bit).

cleaning up the snowstorm

Here’s Puff getting to know Buster – believe it or not, he’s just a puppy.

puff with buster

Puff continues to amaze with his complex sentences: I’m “too incredible for you to imagine”

Huff has learned to answer the question “What does a duck say” with something that sounds like “Quack”. We’re very proud.

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