week 195 / week 67

This week was our first holiday of sorts for a while – a three day trip to Diamond Beach in the NSW coast, where we could catch up with the Grandragon and Aunty C. Puff and Huff travelled well, though they didn’t sleep in the car.

Earlier in the week, Mum took Huff and Puff out for a play in a playground, and to the Baby and Children’s expo.

Huff is getting more confident in playgrounds – she doesn’t always look happy when she’s on the play equipment, but if you try to stop her, she will make her unhappiness felt.

huff on a roundabout

Puff had a great time, as usual, playing, spinning, climbing, and sliding.

puff on a roundabout

The food samples seemed the most popular part of the “Pregnancy, Babies and Children’s expo” that Puff and Huff went to. Or perhaps the miniature playgrounds dotted around. This picture was on the way there, and wasn’t promising.

huff and puff on a special train

Puff’s chef tendencies continue on unabated this week – he’s cooked crumpets for everyone a couple of times. He’s a little too keen to operate the toaster for Dad’s liking, though is sensible enough to stay away from the toaster when it’s hot.

puff cooking crumpets

Taking advantage of our proximity to the Forster-Tuncurry bridge, we took everyone out for a walk and scooter ride on the bridge – we made it about halfway across before one of the dogs was too tired to keep going.

mum, huff, puff, bandit and pixel

On the way back, we played in yet another playground. Huff wasn’t completely sure about this boat, but equally wanted to try every piece of equipment she could gesture at.

huff and puff in a boat (of sorts)

Monday morning was the last day of the trip. With Huff in the ergo carrier, Dad and Puff headed to the beach to look for shells. This wasn’t the ideal angle for a photo of the two of them, but you get the idea. Puff also learned about leaving footprints on the sand.

puff and huff at the beach

Puff had a great time walking Bandit while everyone else supped on coffee for the trip home. They both looked really happy walking back and forth.

puff walking bandit

Puff and Huff had a great time with Aunty C and Grandragon; he was sad to see them go back home.

a sad farewell

Mum is getting more crafty – she sewed a pair of wings for Puff to wear at his Kindermusik class – he had a great time “flying” around the house picking up worms.

When Puff is a man, apparently, he’ll go to work with Daddy, and then he’ll come home and cook the dinner.

It was a great trip to have a sunroof in the car – on the drive into Forster, Puff had a chance to look at all the stars.

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