week 143 / week 15

Everyone has been sick at one point or another this week, so it hasn’t been all that much fun. A tired Puff means an ill-disciplined Puff, and we’re seeing more screaming and tantrums, and less ease in dealing with him.

The new thing for this week is, when an upset Puff is asked “What’s wrong?”, the response is an emotional “Nothing!” (or, on occasion “NOTHING!”). This happens at a variety of times, though most of the time – as long as he’s getting his own way, really – he’s good natured.

Huff has been a bit cough-and-spluttery this week, and has made a habbit of breaking with her sleeping-through-the-night tradition, waking instead for a 3, 4 or 5am feed (but only one). It’s still tough for Mum to cope with this change in routine. Here’s an update on what she looks like.

tired baby Huff

She likes looking around the room, to see what’s going on, and will even be happy looking around an empty room for a while, until it gets too quiet for her.

Huff kicking (moderately) happily

We tried out her kicking on a mat on the floor for the first time this week, and she enjoyed it for a while, and then wanted to be held again.

Huff stretching out on the mat

On Saturday, Mum took Puff and Huff down to Wollongong to see Aunty C and Uncle J while Dad slept off a fever and sore throat. There, he was taken to see a LEGO show of sorts – he came back speaking favourably of it, so that was a good thing. He was a bit sad that the barbecue had been packed up before he’d had a chance to eat – he explained it in some detail!

Puff at the LEGO extravaganza in Wollongong

Sunday morning Puff and Dad tried to give Mum a sleep-in, so there was much quiet play, and a little bit of video watching on Dad’s old (aka Puff’s) iPhone. Worried about Puff holding the phone for too long, Dad made an iPhone stand out of Duplo, which Puff swiftly started elaborating, adding a Duplo pig and dog, who were then watching the video.

It was a bit comforting to watch the video recede in his attention, though it made Dad reflect on how much the technology has changed since *he* was a boy.

Puff with his duplo iphone stand

Sunday night the poor sick family bunkered down to have a salad and BBQ chicken for dinner, and it was up to Dad to chop up the vegetables, with Puff offering advice. We were going well with circle-shaped carrots, and with celery sticks, but when the capsicum came along, he asked for “heart shaped” capsicums. Mum remembered that we had some cookie cutters in the cupboard, and you can see the result in the tiny white bowl.

heart shaped veggies for Puff

Lastly for this week, Puff’s fascination with forming the shapes of different numbers has taken a painful-looking twist: this is how he makes a nine.

Puff makes the number 9 by hand

See you next week!