week 140 / week 12

Huff is 12 weeks old! It’s all gone so quickly, despite this week being unusually rainy, with lots more time spent indoors than we would have liked. She’s still sleeping well (though she’s in the middle of a course of eye drops at the moment), and is interested in her surroundings, spending more time awake and looking around.

huff at 12 weeks

On Sunday, Mum looked like she needed some extra sleep, so after an early morning feed for Huff, Dad took Puff and Huff out for breakfast. It’s a big expedition to leave the house with two kids – stroller, sling, snack pack, nappy change mat (with two set of nappies), a bib for Huff and making sure that everyone has enough clothes for the temperature or any change of temperature, but Dad figured it all out without waking Mum to ask questions.

huff and puff out for breakfast with Dad

Dad had to take an umbrella to work, and Puff, saying “U is for umbrella” ran back inside to get a letter U. He knows how to spell an ever-increasing number of words, and has started to guess which letter a word starts with, based on how it sounds (he guessed that “oregano” started with an “R”).

u is for umbrella

On Saturday we went to a friend’s birthday party, and there was face painting. After a very brief period of decision making, he opted for a “slinky malinki cat”.

face painting at J's birthday party

He wasn’t a big fan of playing with the other kids (being a 5 year old party, a lot of the kids were bigger than him, which he always finds off-putting. He seemed happiest playing in the cubby-house with the kitchen things, where he was pretend-cooking a variety of meals that Dad and Puff have prepared before.

playing in the cubby house kitchen

On Sunday we all went out for yum-cha: Puff’s favourite was the calamari, which he ate a lot of, without any prompting.

puff loves tentacles