week 139 / week 11

Happy Easter, and Anzac Day. It’s been an interesting week – five days off work and study, so lots of family time. We’ve tried to balance some day trips to different places, and ended up with an overtired and sniffly Puff needing some downtime to recover. He spent today at home, and was in bed asleep before 7pm. Hoping he gets better – there are only so many times you can wipe someone’s nose before it starts to be sore just from the wiping!

Huff is 11 weeks old now, and is definitely interested in spending more of her time in between feeds looking around at her surroundings. She continues to sleep long hours at night, and then in the day when she wakes up she’ll cry in her hammock, but be perfectly happy sitting in a bouncer where she can see family life unfolding.

huff grinning

Obviously she has other facial expressions than just smiling, but that’s the one that we keep seeking after.

huff grinning away

We went to visit E&O over the weekend, and had a chance to put Huff and Puff down on a mat with them for a photo – yes, it was a bit staged, but they seemed to enjoy the attention!

huff, puff and friends

After church on Good Friday we headed up to see J&M at Katoomba. The traffic was worse than I’ve ever seen it, and we had to stop and feed Huff – in the end, a 2-hour drive took around 4 hours. We paused at Lawson for a rest break, and Puff enjoyed running around in the autumn leaves.

autumn leaves

Once we finally arrived up there, we had a chance to catch up with our friends and their 4 kids – and Puff watched part of Stuart Little 2 with them.

watching a movie in a caravan

It was a very late night by the time we made it home, and we decanted a very sleepy Puff into bed around 9:30pm, but then he was up again around 6:30 the next morning – very inconvenient for trying to sleep!

Saturday was a trip to Mittagong to see T&R. We drove down for lunch, and stayed for the afternoon – Puff shared cupcakes with E that we bought at Colo Vale markets
cupcakes by the fire

Sunday was a bit quieter. In the morning we had C&J come and visit and we exchanged chocolate. Mum had made Puff a pom-pom lamb, that he was quite fond of.

easter lamb, made by Mum

His grandragon gave him a toy lamb and some chocolate eggs, which were also gratefully received. We went to Grandma and Doc’s house for a delicious lunch, and Grandma read some stories to Puff.

stories with grandma

Monday saw us take a trip down to Kiama to visit some family who were staying in a caravan park. Puff had fun running around outside, but seemed to prefer standing over near the barbecue to sitting in a circle. Huff enjoyed cuddles with a few people, and getting to look at some new scenery.

the barbecue in kiama

Tuesday has been a day of rest, but some extra sleep in the morning brought about a better mood, and so we gave him a new toy that we’ve been saving for a rainy day – an electronic book with alphabet and number buttons that can speak and give him things to do.

puff with a new toy

Parenting has its emotional extremes – some days it’s incredibly frustrating, and you’re doing your best just to keep a consistent sense of discipline. There are also moments of amusement. We checked on Puff once this week, and instead of being asleep on his bed, he was asleep on the floor, with all his toys.

sleeping on the floor

We were given this mask as part of our trip to the zoo. One day this week Puff insisted on wearing it (I think it was when we were on our way to church).

puff disguised as a frog