week 136 / week 8

This week is the day before Huff is due to have her 2-month immunisations: how quickly the time has gone! She’s very cute, and putting on weight nicely.


On Sunday, when Dad cooked pancakes for breakfast, he was also watching Huff while Mum slept a little more. Huff is far too young to have pancakes, and didn’t seem to happy about it!

huff missing out on pancakes

Now that there are two kids at home, it tends to be Dad’s job to look after Puff, while Mum looks after Huff. Dad felt it was time to get another photo of just the two of them.

dad and huff

Puff is being increasingly helpful in the kitchen. This week’s challenge was to learn how to sift the flour for the pancakes. There were some difficulties – he wasn’t convinced that the sifter had to be upright, nor that it needed to be over the bowl!

The prize purchase of the week has been Puff’s new slippers. He loves them, and has already slept in them twice.

cookie monster slippers

One last story around helping in the kitchen: Dad has been looking for ways to involve him in different processes. Here he is moving the chopped vegetables into the microwave steamer!

helping with the vegetables

We also managed to fit in a family reunion for Dad’s side of the family, and lunch with Uncle M.