A few new activities for Puff this week, as we count down to the arrival of Huff.
This one is old news – the activity centre at the ultrasound place was the source of some distraction during the queueing process. The high point was after the ultrasound, when Puff was playing with some other toys. Another family showed up, waiting for their turn to have an ultrasound, and Puff said “Mummy’s getting an ultrasound”, to the amazement of the other parents.
Mum set up some play-doh for him to try out. He had a great time stamping out the different numbers, and made all the numbers from 1 to 10.
On Saturday, having lunch at a friend’s house, he was completely transfixed by this cash register. It had a noise-making calculator, a drawer with some fake money, a set of scales, and a card swiping spot that also made noise. He had a great time playing with this toy for over an hour, on and off.
By initiating a strict policy of not letting him touch the machine, we managed to have fun with a bunch of bubbles, and with no spills!
Friday night Mum and Puff picked Dad up from work, and we went to get some pasta from Leichhardt. For dessert, Dad and Puff shared a banana split. He really liked it, and made a good effort at eating it with a spoon.
Sunday afternoon we visited friends in hospital to meet new baby E. When we started to walk into the hospital Puff said “Mummy can have the baby at the hospital” – it seems he’s starting to understand that Huff’s arrival is just around the corner.
We’re seeing him be more and more enthusiastic about life: he will regularly jump up and down with excitement about what’s going on, and likes to run and chase people on occasion.