week 10

Another week has rolled by already, and has brought with it a couple of nights with long sleeps – last night, he even slept over 7 hours! Each night we wonder what he’ll get up to next, but we seemed to have figured out that a bath late at night will lead to a long sleep through until morning, which has been great.

The presents are still coming in. From his great grandmother, this dragon arrived: he still hasn’t quite figured out toys yet, but managed to find time to pose for a photo:
puff with another dragon

Another surprise gift was this, from Puff’s friend Leonidas:
puff with a gift from a friend

We spent some time with product placement too this week: here’s puff with an iPhone:
puff with iPhone
and here he is with dad at the Genius Bar of the Apple retail store in Sydney.
puff at the genius bar

We managed to fit in a couple of things to celebrate mum’s birthday, too – there was a lunch of Japanese food on Saturday, and on Friday a high tea at Leura, with puff resting in Dad’s lap (it was getting a bit hot in the carrier)
first high tea
Firsts for this week:
* first seven plus hour sleep
* first trip to the blue mountains
* first high tea
* first trip to Sydney, visiting Mum’s workmates
* first trip to Happy Chef
* first trip to the Apple Retail Store, the Lindt Shop, and Haighs Chocolates
* first meeting with friends from Canberra
* met Great Aunty, and had dinner at her house (and interrupted some HSC studying)
* lasted all the way through bible study (mostly in the sling)