week 09

With this week’s milestone, we also see puff cross over to being two months old. He still has a worried look most of the time (his screensaver face).

the traditional "worried" look

On the positive side, the smiles have been getting more regular, and more pronounced. Mum has had time to take photos of him, perhaps because he’s starting to sleep a little longer each time.

looking happy on the couch

This week was Dad’s last day at work, and so Puff came in for a visit: this was one of the faces he pulled while he was visiting.

not sure about this expression

Friday night we went out for a spontaneous dinner with friends! In a restaurant and everything… Puff slept in the sling the whole time.

On Saturday, we went with friends to see Sculpture by the Sea (at Bondi). We took him in an ergocarrier, not in the stroller, which made life much easier.

ergocarrier - sculpture by the sea

On Sunday Mum went to a Tupperware party, leaving strict instructions with Dad that puff needed to sleep. We had Shelby visit too, so we went to the park, and went for a walk over to the Tupperware party. On the way, we saw this dragon:

discarded dragon

Aunty Chan knitted a new hat and matching shoes, which are very cute. They arrived this week.

new hat

Puff has also gone up a nappy size, from newborn to infant.

from newborn to infant

Here’s a rare photo of him looking sleepy.


Firsts for the week:
* first trip to sculpture by the sea
* first ride in the ergocarrier
* first dinner in a restaurant
* first spontaneous evening for mum and dad since he was born
* first immunisations in a doctor’s office (there are some that are given in the
hospital when he’s born), including his first oral medication (to build immunity to gastroenteritis). He cried when he had the needles, but calmed down pretty quickly afterwards, and then had a quick feed.
* first play-date (with Shelby)
* first walk to Riverwood
* first time being left at home with Dad, when Mum went out