week 05

Another busy week – this post is running late because I’ve spent extra time nursing Puff, trying to keep him quiet. In fact, as I type this, I’m also rocking his rocker with my foot: just one of many multi-tasking skills I’ve had to pick up!

Puff is now over a month old! While it’s easy enough to remember life before he was around, I don’t think we’d go back (except for the occasional deep moment of questioning around 3 in the morning… the loneliest time of night). I’ve had a couple of nights this week where I was on duty in the small hours of the morning, which gives me a little bit of an idea of how Kel feels when she’s doing the night feeds.

puff - week 5

He’s definitely growing: I look at photos from a few weeks back, and he already looks substantially different (I could be biased, of course… I’ve noticed that as a dad, I tend to be more interested in him than most non-dad people).

new safety device for the baby capsule

Having worried for a while that his head was moving around too much in the baby capsule, we bought a new safety device for the capsule: it looks a bit silly (don’t you think?) but at least he has some more neck stability when we’re driving.

puff - week 5

He’s pulling more and more faces: some of them look like smiles, but we’re not sure if it’s the real thing or not. He also likes having a bath a lot more than he used to: it’s a nerve-wracking time for dad, trying to make sure he doesn’t slide out of grip, but he likes kicking in the water, and it seems to help him sleep better at night.

puff with jonathan - week 5

We visited a few places this week; some with more success than others – we had a few people we were hoping to see but they weren’t home. Still, there will be other chances. Most of the visiting takes place on weekend afternoons, where I take him out for a couple of hours between feeds, to give mum a break.

hands up

Some firsts for this week

– first trip to Carss Park: for a birthday brunch (we were only an hour late, due to clashes with feeding time)
– first trip to bible study (he made it about half way through before being too unsettled, and needing to go back home)
– first trip to the airport, to pick up the Grandragon and take her across Sydney
– first visit to a few relatives’ house
– first visit to Two Chairs’ house

Thanks to everyone who has looked after him, even for a few minutes, to give his tired parents a short break.