week 03

Firsts this week:

– first trip to word by word
word by word meeting

– first trip to ikea with Dad and aunty Sarah (he slept through it)
first trip to ikea

– first time fingernails cut (Mum)
– starting to smile (well, fake smile) when he gets tired
– sleeping starting to be a bit more predictable (though only a bit).

looking out on the world
He’s already starting to be more alert, and for longer periods of time. He’ll happily sit in his rocker for a while, and watch the world go by. When you put him on his stomach to practice his neck development, he can lift up his whole head, and look around a bit.

Oh, and he can also scream for long, long periods of time, for no apparent reason, often in the small hours of the morning. At times like this, we’re very grateful for the help that his grand-dragon provides, often nursing him back to sleep.