week 01

Well, puff is officially a week old: a lot of well-wishes, a lot of gifts, and a lot of changes. In fact, as I type this, he’s trying to settle; scratch that, he’s ready for another feed.

So far, it’s just been a whirlwind of new things: learning how to change nappies so that they don’t leak (and how to clean them up when they do). Talking about nappies as part of conversation, as if someone other than the parents were interested. Learning how to burp a baby – this is all important if you want to get any kind of sleep. Oh, and getting used to interrupted sleep.

Oh, the times when I could have slept, but didn’t. What was I thinking. A few weeks back, I asked the dad of a newborn, “any advice”? He said “get as much sleep as you can”.

The night before he was born, I was too excited to sleep properly. By the time he was born, it was too late. Before he was even home from the hospital, I was getting 4 or 5 hours sleep each night, and was busy the rest of the waking hours.

Last night, he started into something of a routine, and – what with having to go with work during the day – I had a pretty well unbroken night’s sleep, and managed to feel human again.

For mum, it’s a bit trickier, but she’s had some helpful people staying with her during the day so that she could nap.

Looking forward to many more weeks of new experiences.