It certainly wasn’t an April Fool’s Day joke when dave posted the original “welcome”: on puff’s site – and there was certainly something in the bag – but it wasn’t a cat either. It’s taken a little bit of time for me to actually sit down and compose something in my mind to finally post on puff’s site myself. I know it’s long overdue.
Yesterday saw us hit the 39 week milestone. A week off a standard full term pregnancy and I thought I’d let you in on what had been happening. To begin with, the pregnancy has been very average (about the only time in your life you want to hear those two words refer to anything you are trying to achieve). Having said that, pregnancy in general has been a bit of shock to my (and I think dave’s) system. You can read all you can get your hands on (I didn’t do this and don’t recommend it) and talk to all your friends (this is better and has a lot more laughs) but nothing really prepares you for the changes that take place. Firstly, my back (and its long time issues) got worse. I didn’t think it would be possible. I think I spent at least 3 months standing at my desk at work. And then it got better. *A LOT*. It was amazing. Now? It’s worse again. Having said that, the issues I am currently having are pregnancy related and not the usual suspects. That’s both encouraging and not in the one moment (no one likes to be in pain). My physio has been seeing me weekly (and sometimes tri-weekly) during the last 39 weeks so I have definitely been taking care of myself in that respect 🙂 and have spent many hours in the pool (not so much fun over winter – even if they say the pool is heated).
Foodwise hasn’t seen any major changes, except that dave may argue that on the occasions we have had pizza (I can count them on one hand) I insist on pineapple on any that I will eat. But I’m pretty sure I wanted that before…oh, and porridge. everytime I can’t think what to eat, or what I feel like, I have porridge. not that I *have* to have porridge, just that I always fall back to it. it’s been mentioned that could be considered a bit odd (and that normally oats are fed to horses)…
One thing that is surprising me at this end of the pregnancy is how much interaction there is between puff and I. As I am typing I have music playing, and am convinced that puff is trying to communicate via morse code using his feet and hands (probably doesn’t like John Butler Trio)… It’s a funny situation feeling all this movement in your own body that you can’t control, or if a foot sticks out, that you can rub it and have puff pull it back in. Already, he has his own personality (and it seems he had his dad’s love for late nights…)