Another week. We learned about first aid for children, thanks to kids first aid – in just a 3 hour course, we covered the main things that can go wrong for parents.
Puff also made another trip to a pub: this time for a combined birthday party. He had a great time being held by someone other than his parents, and had his first ever rusk! As you can see, he’s getting better at sitting without being propped up.
Puff is being more and more vocal – he’s finally started to make “da-da” consonant sounds. We keep hearing new sounds from him, and he’ll often sit and talk to himself, or to his toys, for a long while.
We continue to be amazed at how well he can move around: he’s not yet crawling, but he can roll and spin and stretch out all over the place. He’s enjoying his new mat, this time without the tears (though he’s still not a big fan of being put down on his mat at first).
His hands are getting stronger and stronger (at least when he grabs dad’s hair it seems like it). When we walk through a green grocer’s store, he will now be very fidgety until you let him explore the fruit and veg by touching it. If you try, though, be quick – he’ll try and put anything vaguely food-like straight into his mouth.
He continues to be good at eating, varying from taking in rapid spoonfuls of food, and then staring off into the kitchen for a while. His evening routine remains much the same (dinner, maybe some water from his cup, a bath, breastfeed, bible reading and prayer, and then into his sleeping bag and off to sleep), and he regularly sleeps 8 hours or more. Mum has been a little sad to see him wake up around 5 am many mornings, but still manages to go back to sleep for a few hours after that.