With every week, Puff gets more intent on exploring the world. Unless he’s quite tired, he’s not as happy to be held and watch what’s going on, he wants to look at it, touch, and yes, put the whole world into his mouth: apparently this is how babies explore the world. We find this quite troubling, as it means he’s trying to lick surfaces that really shouldn’t be in a baby’s mouth.
For example, when previously he might have been happy to hold an orange and have a look at it – and it’s only been a little while that his hands have been large enough to hold an orange, now it goes straight into his mouth.
Although when we put him on the ground sitting up, he hasn’t consistently figured out how to manoeuvre into a crawling position, he can manage it on occasion. Overall, his ability to move around and explore spaces is improving: here he is trying to get into his bucket.
Some of his other toys have taken on new functions. Most notably is his play mat. Originally we would lie him down on the mat and have him look up at the suspended toys. Later we would watch him swat at the toys. Later still he would crawl around on the mat and play with bits of it. Now he lifts up the whole mat, and makes the toys swing back and forth, and watches it. It’s just one big toy to him!
His sitting is really solid. We’ve been cutting down on the amount of TV he gets to see, and so he can sit on the couch and have stories read to him; he doesn’t just stare at the screen waiting for the TV to go back on. Not sure how long this resolve will last: hopefully a while!
We had a couple of outings this week: one was a quick trip up to the shops in the stroller. He has a few more toys to keep him interested, but once we get going he enjoys it well enough. Pushing the stroller is a bit limiting in opportunities to interact with him: he’s facing forward, and you’re facing forward: perhaps this is why we don’t use the stroller all that often.
We also went to a friend’s birthday party in the city: we were running horribly late, and so it was a bit of a late night for him, but he remained in good spirits the whole time we were there, impressing a number of guests, and sleeping in the car on the way home when we feared he would scream.
Lastly for this week, a video of Dad reading him his favourite storybook. This was the fourth time in a row we’d read it: I think the 3rd time would have made a better video, but this is what we managed to capture. Each page has a different texture on it, and he’ll usually stop and feel the relevant part of the page, but not so much this time.