Week fifty. Getting ever closer to his first birthday, with all the panning out into the future that goes with that. People are starting to remind me that I’m no longer young, but that looking after a baby will keep me young. I have to agree: it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to make animal sounds with quite so much enthusiasm as in the last few weeks!
Puff has managed to master the difficult vegetables like peas (as we saw last week), but he’s now moving into this tendency to throw unwanted food off his food tray onto the floor. To try and add cuteness to this routine, he makes it look like this is all a surprise to him, and that he doesn’t understand gravity.
We had a church “day away” in Cronulla on the weekend, and so took him back to Grind (the first cafe he ever visited, when he was only four days old) for a visit. This time the cup was empty (though it didn’t take him long to try and start eating the cup).
We’ve also started trying to prepare him for crawling on grass. He’s more comfortable with it now, but if you leave him on grass for a little while, he has a tendency to lift his hands up away from the grass – even if he’s crawling on his stomach.
Most of his play takes place in the dining room. Watching him explore the room – each time fascinated by what should be familiar toys – is always interesting. He is more confident with the magnets, having figured out that they can stick not just to the fridge, but also to the dishwasher!
Though he can be quite distracted with toys that make noise, he is happiest with simple toys that he can chase around the room: at the moment, he’s starting to be more confident climbing up to things, and occasionally over them (if they’re low enough).
The biggest thing he’s worked out how to do this week, though, is to sit up by himself. He moves himself into crawling position (on all fours), and then crawls backwards to sit (he hasn’t worked out how to crawl forwards yet, only backwards… odd).
He doesn’t stay sitting up for long, but it’s very impressive to see him achieve it!
Oh, and one last thing: he’s starting to learn the actions to songs. If we sing “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands”, he will clap his hands, sometimes in time with where the actions should be in the song (depending on tiredness… your mileage may vary).