As I write this I’ve just gone in (as is my custom) to check on Puff and make sure he’s sleeping. It continues to amaze me how far he’s come from when we first brought him home, his tiny outline taking up so little of the bassinet, and always exactly where we left it. Now, when we go in to check where he is in the bed, he has a toy near him, and he could be anywhere, at any angle in the cot, but always breathing softly (sometimes too softly for my liking).
The big development for this week is that he now has a toy (or a choice of toys) to take to bed. His favourite so far seems to be Monkey, a gift from Uncle M & from H. Here he is with Monkey.
The days of him knowing how to stand up in the cot, but not get back down again are over. The trick to having him sit back down again (so that I can remove his sleeping bag) is to say “can you get Monkey?” After a lot of repetition, he will eventually get down, and find Monkey. Before that happens, though, expect to see a lot of this:
This week was Mum’s birthday, and to celebrate, we went out to a cafe that Dad had chosen, so we could have breakfast together: Mum, Dad, Aunty Chan, Uncle Jordan and Puff. The cafe had gluten-free bread, and so Puff had his first ever cafe breakfast:
There were plenty of distractions at the cafe to keep Puff quiet and on his best behaviour. Notable were the ceiling fans.
We went along to morning church to watch the baptism of baby E. This proved a little too much sitting still in a pew for Puff, and saw Dad make a couple of hasty trips to the back of the building – hopefully not a sign of things to come!
Dad has been pretty busy the last couple of weeks, and so the only other event that we’ll cover here is the trip to the Night Noodle Markets in Hyde Park, again with Aunty Chan and Uncle Jordan. Puff rode in with Mum on the train.
He was very well behaved, though we were grateful to have the extra helpers so that everyone managed to eat (even Puff, though this time he ate the food we’d brought him from home).
Puff’s favourite part of the markets was – as the sun was setting – looking at all the decorations that were lit up. There was a lot of looking up at the sky, and reaching out to touch things that looked interesting, but were a long way out of reach.
A few other firsts for the week:
* first time being happy to get out of the bath without a fuss (even helping by starting to climb out)
* first time locating a banana in a visitor’s bag, and proudly announcing the find
* more animal noises learned, along with some car noises