week 80

It’s been a normal kind of week, with a couple of exceptions.

Mum and Dad went out on Wednesday night to watch a movie, which was great, if a bit odd – we weren’t really sure about what to do with ourselves when we were out. Parenting has very much become normal life, and so to finish watching a movie and then go out for dinner feels a bit surreal – shouldn’t we be home and asleep?

Nonetheless, we took our commitment to going out very seriously, and took Puff out for dinner in Newtown on Friday night. He was getting unsettled waiting for dinner to arrive, and so needed to be distracted with a phone.

keeping quiet with the iPhone

When the food arrived, he was having trouble picking it up, and we decided to mix things up for him a bit (this is a good trick for getting him to keep eating after his attention span has started to dwindle) by adding cutlery – it turned out he was a bit of a natural in using a fork!

first go with a fork!

Saturday was a day spent mostly in the house – we went out for a quick bout of grocery shopping (where negotiating the stroller around a narrow greengrocer was a challenge in places, and Puff’s desire to hold onto the basket didn’t last the whole shopping trip), and then raced back home to have lunch with C&J, followed by dinner with B&K, and then a DVD with B,K&M. We demonstrated to our friends what life looks like once there are kids around, and were encouraged with some positive comments about our parenting style.

Sunday we trekked out to another cafe, this time down at Cronulla. Puff managed to stay in good spirits for most of the meal: here he is enjoying the scenery:

out in a cafe in the sun

From there we went to a playground to queue up and play on the slide and the swing. Puff is getting ever more confident at playing there, and kept walking around for a long while before finally agreeing to go back into the stroller, and back home for a 3 hour (!) nap. After church that night, he spent another half hour or so just walking around – he loves walking, and seems to have a lot of energy for it!

One last little insight for where he was playing during some downtime. We occasionally let him play with a little music-playing torch that projects some stars in one direction. For a long while he has happily crawled around on a bed, playing with a torch: today for the first time, he just lay down and watched the stars play around on the ceiling.

playing with the star torch

week 79

If I had to pick any single characteristic of this week, it would be the book “Fox in Socks” by Dr Seuss. I naively thought that Puff might find it amusing to hear the words in the book, and that he’d quickly grow bored of it and move on to something else. Not so.

I think I’ve read the book more times in this last week than ever before in my life, and it’s just the beginning of his passion for the book. Here he is sitting on a blanket in the backyard while Dad hangs out washing hoping – in vain – that he might try and help with the pegs.

fox in socks

Puff went out with Mum a few times this week to visit different people. Here he is enjoying some corn in the comfort of his stroller.


While playing around in his usual play area, he’s been increasingly interested in pushing the boundaries of where he’s allowed to play, and what he’s allowed to interact with. Though he’s still fairly obedient (he will often do as he’s told while complaining about it), he has moments of being more and more stubborn about what he will and won’t do.

in giant beanie

As we spend more and more time taking him outside and to play in different situations, he’s developing more confidence in what he can do. Here he is on a special slippery dip for people his size:

Sunday, with tsunami warnings abounding, we changed our plans from a trip to Sydney Harbour to a trip to Katoomba. The Three Sisters have been massively overdeveloped for tourism, but it was hard to resist taking a photo of Puff next to this giant toy koala.

with giant koala

A few other adventures from this week:
* going to Cronulla on Friday night for a sunset play on the equipment, some dinner out, and a night-time trip to Grind
* still having a cold
* having – again – to clean the bath suddenly and without much notice
* visiting Grandma and Doc, Aunty Sarah (back from uni), Uncle Andrew and Uncle Jonathan

week 78

It’s been astonishing to see how fast he has gone from taking his first steps to using walking as his preferred method of moving around. With this new-found confidence has come an increased desire for independence. Here he is trying to remember “feet first” at climbing around a slide in a park.

His counting is getting more impressive too: here is a somewhat staged video of him towards the end of dinner:

This week saw me make the trek up to the Blue Mountains for MKC. It was tough for everyone. It wasn’t until it was time to leave that it really hit me how much I was going to miss having Puff and Mum around. Sure, it was only a brief time in the scheme of things, but I’ve made a number of choices to try and maximize the time I can spend with Puff and Mum, and so when I end up with choices that undermine that, it’s always sad.

Last week we went to dinner for one of Puff’s uncle’s birthdays. This week, we took Aunty S shopping for a birthday present, and Puff had a chance to ride around in a toy car of sorts:

test drive

He wasn’t entirely convinced, and in fact we spent a lot of time holding his hands while he walked around the Westfield instead. I don’t think I was ready for just how slow it is to be moving around a shopping centre at 17 month old pace.

Mid-week, Puff and Mum came in to have lunch with Dad and some of his workmates. Everyone was very impressed with how well-behaved he was: indeed, until Dad accidentally mentioned “mango”, he was happy to eat some snacks and look around.

After yum cha, he went for a quick walk through the adjacent shopping centre. It’s been suggested to us that to help his walking develop as best as possible, we should hold off on giving him shoes to wear – this means that we’re looking for safe flooring options as places for him to practice.

walking after yum cha

With Dad away, Mum took Puff for another yum cha meal – here he is waiting for the other guests to arrive.

at yum cha

Lastly, here’s an indication of how he’s progressing with using a cup: he still drinks water out of his cup-with-straw a lot of the time, but he’s improving on using a cup without spills.

it's water, honest!

week 77

Stairs. The theme of the week has been stairs. During a visit to Grandma and Doc’s, Puff crept off to climb the stairs. On a trip to the college BBQ, Puff made it up and down the two flights of stairs at least half a dozen times before moving on to something else.

stairs - the absolute favourite

Puff can mostly be trusted on stairs, as we have drilled into him that he has to go feet first when climbing down. He stays with this until he gets tired, where he starts to look around too much and stops being safe.

We continue to see him playing imagination games, and his favourite is indeed the “compost”. His recall is getting better – he can tell you what he was doing hours earlier in the day, and is starting to put together groups of people that we commonly talk about. When we talk about one family, if he has visited while the dad of the family is at work, he will ask for the dad, as if the set isn’t properly made up until everyone is there.

tip it!

Again at the PTC BBQ, there was a chance to explore some new toys: here he is trying to drive a toy car around, but it’s a struggle: he’s not sure which way he is meant to sit, but it didn’t stop him from driving around with it!

not quite sure how to drive yet

We’re seeing him become more ticklish, and respond to some situations and sayings with a real sense of joy.

a happy boy

Here he is at his uncle’s birthday party at a Korean BBQ restaurant. He mostly ate food that we’d brought for him, but tried a surprising array of unfamiliar food too!

grinning at birthday dinner

One long-awaited highlight remains for the week: Puff took his first steps! An unusually strong sense of pride at being his dad rushed through me when I saw he’d figured this out.

week 76

Another week. Puff is asleep in bed, and there’s a brief window to put some blog posts together. The post-work evening routine is well set up. There’s taking Puff to the letterbox “check a may-ul!”, weighing him on the Wii Fit (and then using the Wii Fit to interact with the characters on screen) “poke a baby! poke a cat!”, going outside to practice walking around “grass?… wok wok wok… dad…inside…please-okay”.

This week’s speech development is adding “okay” to the end of everything. When he says grace, it’s “God.. this food… Amen-okay”. When he asks for something, it’s “Dad… grapes… please-okay”. We’re to blame, of course – we were the ones who would say okay after he said please, and so now he’s just trying to save us the effort.

Last week we had a trip over to an old school friend’s house, where we caught up with J, M, and J, A, J and T. Some of the afternoon sun remained when Puff and Dad headed to the backyard to play on the swings, while Kel and M caught up in the backroom (overlooking the backyard). Just after this photo was taken, Dad received an SMS from Kel that simply said “Hat?”. Dad sheepishly retrieved Puff’s hat from his pocket, and put it on Puff’s head.


Another toy that has captured Puff’s imagination this week is his indoor tent. It’s great fun, it would seem, to put toys away by putting them in the tent, whether there’s enough room for Puff or not.

with his tent

The Grandragon has been down for much of this week for a visit: we made a trip out to Brasserie Bread for some lunch after picking up Grandragon from the airport. Puff had a great time sitting in the cloth high-chair eating grapes, but when he ran out of enthusiasm for that, Dad carried him around to look at people working in the bakery. Puff came up with a new phrase “Makin’ the bread”, which he used with much enthusiasm for the rest of the day, and still invokes from time to time.

at brasserie bread

On the walking front, while on a trip to Ryde Aquatic Centre, Puff took his first few steps walking in the baby wading pool from Mum to the Grandragon while Dad was at work – Puff has so far refused to replicate this feat on dry land.

When trying to walk inside, he seems happier using his trolley – more and more risks are taken now, with his current preference to hold onto another item while pushing the trolley. here’s a balloon with him in full flight.

walking with balloon

And, never forgotten for long, here’s Bear.

bear and trolley

Friday night was an attempted dinner at a noodle markets, but there wasn’t much to see, and so we retreated back to the car for takeaway instead. On the positive side, we had the chance to try out the ergo carrier in backpack mode for the first time. Dad didn’t like it much: it seems a little too much like pregnancy – lots of wriggling, but you can’t see the baby.

in the backpack

And on Sunday, Puff met S, N, H and S after a long time praying for them. The highlight of the trip for him was almost certainly the toy oven. Dad – ever cautious around new things – was worried for a while that there may have been some danger of burning, but a stove powered by AA batteries (and in this case, they were not even installed) doesn’t tend to bring much risk of undue heat.

with a toy oven

See you next week!

week 75

Puff’s hair continues to grow back at an encouraging rate. He’s starting to tend towards having one daytime sleep, and a long night sleep (usually around 12 hours). When he’s getting towards a sleep debt, his mood worsens, but when he’s been getting enough sleep, we can be treated to smiles like this one:


Today was an example of a day where he wasn’t in the best of moods. Arriving home from a day out, he saw dad preparing dinner, and spotted what he was sure was an apple on the kitchen bench.

Despite our best efforts to explain otherwise, he kept insisting “apple, apple” and getting more and more worked up, refusing (unusually) to eat his dinner and wanting the apple instead.

The trouble was, what he thought was an apple was in fact a raw onion. We handed it over to him, (immediately stopping the tears), expecting him to taste it and then put it down.

No. He was keen to actually eat it: he took a few bites over the space of a few minutes, interspersed with eating the other food in front of him.

Don’t believe it?

eating an onion

In more tasteful news, he managed to charm his way into a free babycino from a cafe near Dad’s work. Here he is tucking into it (yes, even eating the chocolate that was sprinkled on top).


We’re noticing an increased vocabulary, and an awareness of places, as well as simple verbs and nouns. Here, we ask him about one of our regular haunts (a coffee shop called Grind, in Cronulla).

See you next week!

week 74

This was a week of expected and unexpected catching up with people, culminating in Australia Day, where we travelled across Sydney to see a bunch of the families that we regularly pray for but irregularly see.

First stop that we have photos for was at Grind. Puff can now say “Grind”, though it’s not clear he knows where it is, or what he will get out of a trip there. He is very keen on eating the “froth” from the top of a decaf latte with a spoon (well, we feed it to him on a spoon). He doesn’t seem to have suffered any ill effects from it yet, and it keeps him quiet when we’re visiting a cafe, so everyone wins.

cruising at grind

A different trip to Cronulla saw him playing in the park with C and (to a lesser extent) baby J. Being school holidays, some local miscreants had heaped a lot of sand into the play equipment that should have been filled with clear water. Undeterred, Puff had a great time, although he needed an outfit change.

Traps for new parents: make sure that the spare outfit you carry in the nappy bag has not yet been outgrown, and is the correct season for the weather! Puff spent a car ride in singlet and nappy while his clothes dried out.

playing in what should be clear water

It’s worth noting that he has an increasing love for swings.

enjoying the swings

With dry clothes again, Puff stopped to order some lunch from a favourite restaurant of mum and dad’s from their pre-baby days.

checking out the menu

On the weekend, we had a surprise visit from M, and so we went out for breakfast at the Wah Wah lounge. Puff enjoyed being carried around by someone different, and behaved himself well in the cafe (the chair probably had a lot to do with this).

with uncle M

On Australia Day, he wore his new I heart OZ t-shirt (this will probably be the only day he can wear it, as by next year he will be – I suspect – much bigger). By the end of the day, there was so much watermelon juice on the t-shirt, it was hard to tell if he loved Oz or watermelon more, but time will tell.

Here he is, hard at work on a playmat introducing himself to some new toys, including his first x-wing.

hard at work on Australia Day

One other notable event was breakfast with C, J, and special guest L.

More progress is being made on the walking front: we’re seeing signs of him, once upright, being able to stand for longer and longer (up to a few seconds) before falling down again, and take a few stumbling steps before crashing forward.

See you next week!

week 73

As we drive back up our driveway with Puff in his seat in the back, he will say “Check Mail”, and get more and more excited until someone takes him out to the letterbox to see if there’s any mail. We’re seeing this more and more – he will notice a pattern in life, and then get very excited about being able to say the name of whatever it is, so he can participate.

Feeding times are generally going well: he has his moments of being a fussy eater, but most of the time he will get through a meal in a relatively timely fashion.


He’s very hands-on in his eating approach (despite our best efforts to teach him how to use a spoon, it’s a pretty slow and ineffective process) – here is a small insight into what his hands look like towards the end of a meal. Note for dads: clean your child’s hands very carefully before picking them up or letting them loose anywhere – crumbs can be quite tricky to remove from the tiny recesses of a baby’s hands.


On Saturday, we took Puff to Cronulla, couldn’t find parking, and so went to Glebe instead (it made sense at the time). In his sun gear and the ergo carrier, we did some walking around Glebe Markets looking for a new pair of sunglasses for Mum. He had a great time doing some people watching.


After the Markets, we went down to a park at the other end of Glebe Point Road for a picnic lunch, overlooking the water. Puff had a great time watching the little kids on their bikes, and the puppies. Oh, the puppies. It was very exciting.


Saturday night we went out for dinner, and to see a show while Aunty C and Uncle J looked after Puff’s night routine – thanks for letting us have a night off!

One Christmas present that Puff received (as we’ve mentioned before) was the croc. He will cheerfully tell you that a croc says “snap snap”, but still doesn’t trust its teeth. Here he is, after some persuading, patting it, but away from its mouth.


One other new thing in Puff’s routine is his walking practice. He’s able to walk quite quickly while pushing this block trolley – most of the photos (this one included) are a blur just trying to keep up with him.

action shot with trolley

He’s come a long way with the trolley from his first hesitant steps: he can now confidently change direction, turn in a small-ish space, and even fall over and pick himself up again.

You might be able to tell from the video that he’s in the advanced stages of losing his baby hair and replacing it with grown-up (?!) hair – apparently this is normal for at least one part of his family tree, and we’ve been quite relieved to see that as the bald spot makes its way backwards on his head, it’s being replaced with new hair. This does give him an unfortunate, somewhat monastic look at the moment, but we have every confidence he will have a full head of hair again in, say, another three months!

We’ve also been practising taking him outside in the backyard to try walking on the grass. Once stood up, he can stay standing without holding on to anything for a few seconds, and will even take a few hesitant steps before falling over into Dad’s arms. Not long now, and our whole experience of parental life will change again.

It’s hard to describe the sense of pride that comes from watching him (or hearing him) learn about new things: with a little bit of prompting now, he can say the whole of the grace we’ve taught him: “Thank You Father God for this food, Amen.” Amazing.

We’ve also made some slight changes to his bedtime routine: it now goes dinner, getting ready for bath, bath, pyjamas, clean teeth, milk, up to three books (“bunnies”, “party”, “duck”) and then his bible story, prayers and into his sleeping bag and into bed. His most recent addition to his cat toy and monkey toy is his favourite blue bear, named “Bear”.

week 72

This week has raced past in a flurry of sermon preparation activity for Dad. Despite best efforts, he was still spending most of his weekend working on the sermon, and so he missed the epic trip back to Ryde Aquatic Centre for splashing around, enjoying the wading pool, the waves and the slides. Thanks to Aunty C and Uncle J for filling in the gaps while Dad sat in the air conditioning working on his sermon.

To make a bit of extra parenting time for Dad, Mum brought Puff in to the city to have a work-day lunch with Dad. Here he is in one of the more successful attempts to try rice paper rolls (he wasn’t convinced about eating them).

trying out rice paper rolls

He is really enjoying being read to at the moment, asking for extra books before his evening bedtime story from his kids bible. New favourite books are We’re going on a Bear Hunt (a book that fills Dad with anxiety at the flagrant parental neglect) and Diary of a Wombat. He has probably chosen these books because they are the longest books that he can comfortably sit through, and it buys extra time.

For the first time in his life, he’s sad when it’s time for his Bible story, but it soon passes. Here he is reading with Aunty C.

reading with aunty C

He’s also been making progress on his walking around (if he’s in the right mood, he can walk up and down the kitchen pushing his block trolley). He’s also having fun driving his little car – this week he learned how to go forward (beyond the more familiar backward).

driving his car

One other little milestone: while praying this week, he said his name for the first time in the context of the prayer, and then later in the week, he used it in context to refer to himself! Another little highlight of being a parent.

week 71

This week saw us travel to Canberra to visit friends, visit the last Sydney coffee tweetup for the year, ring in the new year, swim, swing, and play. Dad had five out of seven days off work, and was just getting used to being around all the time when it was time to head back to work. That first morning of heading back to work was a little tough – I was reminded again to be sure that what I’m doing with my time at work is worth missing out on watching Puff grow up.

Moving on to some pictures. Puff had a great time visiting with J and N down in Canberra, and wasn’t shy at all in moving around the house.

crawling in canberra

When we returned to Sydney, we raced to a physio appointment for Mum while Dad gave Puff his lunch in the waiting room. From there, we headed over to a tweet-up in Glebe, where Puff impressed everyone with his good behaviour.

last tweet-up for the year

For New Year’s Eve, we went to friends’ new house where Puff played with baby E a little bit, and then Mum and Dad stayed up to play Halo, watch fireworks, and play more Halo.

dinner on new year's eve

In the New Year, we had a great time swimming and playing at Ryde Aquatic Centre – he really loved the water (and even the wave pool), and was probably swimming for an hour or an hour and a half before we went to the other corner of the centre for a barbecue, all for A’s birthday.

at A's first birthday party

After the birthday party was over, we dashed over to Koorong to grab some books for Dad (a couple of Hebrew items and a commentary on James) – it turns out that Puff is now big enough to enjoy some aspects of the playground there!

the playground at koorong

We also made a trip over to Grandma and Grandad’s house, and had a quick go at some of the play equipment there: the favourite was probably the swing (or perhaps it was just the easiest to photograph).

swings near grandma and grandad's

Another morning we went out for breakfast, and Puff – who has been developing a great love of trying the milky “froth” from the top of decaf coffees managed to get almost all the way through a babycino (Mum helped a bit towards the end when the spilling started to get out of control).

loving the babycinos

We’re putting some more wheat into his diet, though he still eats a lot of gluten free food. We continue to be amazed at just how good natured and well behaved he is – he’s a great baby.