It’s been a normal kind of week, with a couple of exceptions.
Mum and Dad went out on Wednesday night to watch a movie, which was great, if a bit odd – we weren’t really sure about what to do with ourselves when we were out. Parenting has very much become normal life, and so to finish watching a movie and then go out for dinner feels a bit surreal – shouldn’t we be home and asleep?
Nonetheless, we took our commitment to going out very seriously, and took Puff out for dinner in Newtown on Friday night. He was getting unsettled waiting for dinner to arrive, and so needed to be distracted with a phone.
When the food arrived, he was having trouble picking it up, and we decided to mix things up for him a bit (this is a good trick for getting him to keep eating after his attention span has started to dwindle) by adding cutlery – it turned out he was a bit of a natural in using a fork!
Saturday was a day spent mostly in the house – we went out for a quick bout of grocery shopping (where negotiating the stroller around a narrow greengrocer was a challenge in places, and Puff’s desire to hold onto the basket didn’t last the whole shopping trip), and then raced back home to have lunch with C&J, followed by dinner with B&K, and then a DVD with B,K&M. We demonstrated to our friends what life looks like once there are kids around, and were encouraged with some positive comments about our parenting style.
Sunday we trekked out to another cafe, this time down at Cronulla. Puff managed to stay in good spirits for most of the meal: here he is enjoying the scenery:
From there we went to a playground to queue up and play on the slide and the swing. Puff is getting ever more confident at playing there, and kept walking around for a long while before finally agreeing to go back into the stroller, and back home for a 3 hour (!) nap. After church that night, he spent another half hour or so just walking around – he loves walking, and seems to have a lot of energy for it!
One last little insight for where he was playing during some downtime. We occasionally let him play with a little music-playing torch that projects some stars in one direction. For a long while he has happily crawled around on a bed, playing with a torch: today for the first time, he just lay down and watched the stars play around on the ceiling.