week 58

This week we’ve made a conscious effort to take photos of Puff when he’s away from his eating chair, although I’ve had to make a couple of exceptions. He’s continuing to try and get beyond his fear of the sound the coffee grinder makes, and help Dad with the coffee making. It certainly doesn’t hurt that he’s a big fan of trying out the frothed milk afterwards.

We’re starting to see increased signs of how strong-willed Puff will be as he gets older. Having decided that he had eaten enough of his main course, he started in with the now-familiar “na-na… na-na… na-na-na-na-na-na” that indicates he would like to move on to having a banana for dessert. We thought it was still time for him to eat his main course, so we gave him another option. He actually made it through 2 whole adult-sized rice cakes with avocado.

eating adult-sized rice cakes

After that, he had some pear (with a bit of practice, he managed to come up with a word that sounded a lot like pear), some blue berries (a lot less success with the “b-” sound for berries, he kept stalling on “p-” instead, which is a consonant already overloaded with potential meaning (it can mean “up” and it can also mean “pants”).

The big news for this week, though, was his belated birthday present from Mum, Dad, Aunty Chan and Uncle Jordan – a trolley that holds blocks, and has a handle for walking around. Assembly was a team effort, and – like most assembly tasks – not without its hassles. Sadly, some of the pieces were too small for Puff to be involved, so some people were keeping him distracted while others were putting the trolley together.

Once built, we let him try walking around with the trolley. It seems to be helping him build up confidence in standing up without having an adult hold one or both of his hands!

walking with blocks

Puff has found the blocks moderately interesting, though he hasn’t shown much enthusiasm for stacking them, or having other people stack them. Mercifully, he is certainly a fan of putting them back “in” the trolley.

testing out the new blocks

A sad occasion this week had Puff dressed up in his formal clothes. The funny face he is pulling is part of his new-found ability to make kissing sounds.

all dressed up

Afterwards, he had a chance to try out an heirloom eating chair. This had been in Uncle Jordan’s family for around 60 years!

trying out an heirloom eating chair

When playing, Puff will cheerfully look for a specified toy (if the mood takes him) – he continues to be fascinated with ducks, and knows how to make them squeak.

knows how to work the ducks

A visit to Aunty Chan’s work this week saw him put some of his newly-acquired “feeding” skills to work. It’s good to see him share.

feeding aunty chan

Lastly, a short video to show his crawling and climbing skills. Magnets continue to be his favourite toys; he’s impressed us with how high on the fridge he can reach, if the right motivation can be found.