This week was one where Dad was pretty busy with meetings. It’s one of the harsh realities of parenthood, trying to find a balance between spending the idyllic, unhurried time with your family, and getting done all the things of life that you have agreed to do, however foolishly.
We’re beginning to realise that our best chance of taking a photo of Puff is when he’s eating. He has a tendency to do incredibly cute things, but generally there’s some level of physical danger involved in running and grabbing the camera at that particular point.
By way of example of missed photo opportunities this week, he realised again that he could play “peekaboo” with the towel after his bath. This time, instead of pulling the hood over his head, he holds up the side of the towel, so that he breaks eye contact with Dad. Dad will then make a fuss, asking “Where’s Puff?” and he will pause, then move the towel out of the way, and Dad will say “There he is!”. This is the way the game has played out for many months, though without Puff’s active participation.
The new twist is, when Puff hides with the towel, Dad will then duck out of sight, so when Puff moves the towel again, he can’t see Dad. Dad will then say “Where’s Dad?”. This is, clearly, the funniest thing in the world. At least this week, anyway.
Though not a photo of Puff, it would be remiss not to mention the red sky that we saw last Wednesday in the big Sydney dust storm. Dad went out into the backyard to capture it: the reflections you see of the flash are simply from the *dust* – this photo was taken outside in the open air!
Puff had a big Friday. First, a trip to Grind, for some reading in the window, and a coffee with C and CJ.
Then, a couple of phonecalls led to another playdate, this time at Coogee with E. It seems like they varied between playing together, and playing near each other.
Once the green container (the one with the sultanas in it) came out, Puff’s interests were moved away from playing with others, and towards his current favourite snack.
Attempts at learning to share somehow ended up with E feeding Puff some sultanas – I know it’s a food photo, but you have to admire the effort of capturing a moment that was this fleeting.
On Saturday we had a church meeting in the morning, and then headed back home for some sermon writing / essay writing time, with a break in the middle for a special guest reader to pay Puff a visit.
The last highlight for this week is a new fruit for Puff to try. His ability to consume what we’re calling “the yellow fruit” (and what he’s calling “Nar-nar” – this takes the form of an increasingly heated mid-lunchtime question: “Nar-nar?” “Nar-nar?” (scoffs entire fistful of food into his mouth) “Nawr-nawr?”.
Here he is trying blueberries. He didn’t eat as many of them, and in fact wasn’t entirely certain about them, but he tried a fair few before giving up.