week 56

Another week has flown by, and it’s time to reflect on what’s been happening. We’re starting to see Puff try to use words to describe what he wants. So far, we can figure out when he’s saying “more” or “done”, “nana” (banana) or “ta” (sultana), “bye”, “quack”, “hiss”, and we’re working on “thankyou”.

On the eating front, we had dinner at aunty and uncle’s house. He coped quite well eating in an unfamiliar chair and house, and managed to eat a lot – mostly the vegetable patties that mum’s been making for him these last couple of weeks. It’s a lot like the food we used to spoon-feed him with, but it’s lightly grilled in a non-stick pan so it’s easier for him to pick up and eat.

feeding himself

Tonight he had his first omelette.

eating an omelette

In a visit to mothers’ group, he had the chance to play with C and E. Here they are, exploring E’s toy chest.

playing with friends - C and E

Last week mum had a spare lunchtime where she was out and about, and so ducked in to brasserie bread for a quick bite to eat – Mei from Brasserie Bread showed up to say hi, too!

brasserie bread visit

There was also a chance to try out one of the highchairs at a Westfield.

first westfield highchair

Another notable event this week was Mum having a night out with some other mums, while Dad stayed home and gave Puff his bath, and put him to bed. Both mum and Puff had a great time, and Dad enjoyed the extra time with his little boy.

We also saw Puff go for a short crawl, properly, on all fours! Dad would like to see Puff crawl around for a little while before the walking starts: every day it seems like he’s a little closer to taking his first steps.