week 55

This last week has seen Puff more stroppy, and more often than usual. He’s had a temperature some of the days, and has been going to bed later (around 8:30, or sometimes 9:30pm) and waking up later (managing to make it almost through to 11am at least once), but still tired a lot of the time.

On Friday, there was an opportunity to meet some fans of Brasserie Bread in Hyde Park for a tweet-up. It was a beautiful day to be outside, and a good chance to introduce Puff to some people that we only knew from Twitter. Puff even landed a mention on their blog!

first tweetup

At home, he’s showing more and more dexterity in the things that he does: here he is with his hands a blur as he plays the xylophone.

playing the xylophone

Having made changes to his cot, we thought that we wouldn’t need to worry about leaving him alone when he sleeps – at least for a while. Imagine Mum’s surprise when she found him with his socks on the floor – he worked out how to open up the sleeping bag, remove his socks, and keep sitting in the cot waiting to be picked up!

removed his socks!

One thing that we saw him do once this week, but not repeat (and we didn’t get a chance to capture it on video) was to play “peekabo” himself with the towel that he lies on after his bath. With both hands, he would grab the hood part of the towel, pull it over his eyes, pause, and then remove the hood again! He did this about six times in a row, and hasn’t tried again since.

Last, but not least, we had the wedding of S and K this week. Dad was driving one of the wedding cars, and so it was up to Mum to prepare Puff’s food, drive him to the church, to the reception, and home again. It was great to see our friends get married, but we learned that going to a wedding with a baby is a completely different experience to going without one!