As it turns out, week 52 is one day before Puff’s first birthday, though now that I write this, it *is* his birthday and he’s fast asleep. Here’s a review of some of the highlights.
We don’t often allow Puff to play with toys in his “eating chair”, but this was an exception. Sometimes, having him stay in one place without risk of damaging anything (or himself) is too good and opportunity to be overlooked.
The main event for this week was obviously his birthday party. Much of the rest of the time was spent preparing for it. When he arrived, we put down a picnic blanket, and he had a go at crawling around. His hesitancy to crawl on grass made it a great way to keep him safely in one place.
A lot of people came along to the party to catch up with Puff, and his Mum and Dad, and with each other. By all accounts that I’ve heard, people had a good time. Thanks especially to those who came down, didn’t know anyone else, and stayed while looking after their kids.
I’m glad it wasn’t me cutting the cake: I couldn’t really bring myself to do it. This way, I was just concentrating on making sure that Puff’s interaction with the cake-cutting knife was a safe one.
One of the highlights of this week for Puff was getting to spend some time with his Grandragon. Grandragon normally lives in Queensland, and so they don’t get to spend much time together.
Throughout the past few weeks, Puff has shown increasing interest in pulling himself up into an almost-standing position. This week, he figured out how to stand up in his cot. This meant that we had to make an adjustment to the cot we’d been putting off for a few weeks: to lower the base of it, so it’s safer for him. Here’s a staged photo showing how far it is from the mattress to the top of the cot now. Much safer!