week 44

This week we had some great news. A minor health problem that we’d been aware of from when Puff was very small was finally investigated by someone who could give a definitive answer. We now know that Puff is fine, and that everything is normal. I thought our days of being excited about Puff being average were already over, but it’s a good feeling.

He did really well, waiting patiently in the waiting room, and not causing either Dad or the doctor too much trouble by fidgeting during the examination.

happy in the waiting room

On the weekend there were a few visits to different family members. Here he is enjoying a short session of TV watching (from memory, these were Michael Jackson video clips) after dinner and a sleep.

watching TV with family

He is increasingly adept at getting around, and starting to take more risks in climbing up onto whatever he finds interesting.

loving to climb

As far as eating goes, we’re still feeding him the majority of his food, and he has the chance to feed himself now and again. He has his dad’s tendency to eat with mouthfuls that are too big: this piece of apple took quite a while to break up and swallow.

all the food that fits we eat

Lastly, a short time-lapse video of his efforts to get at his favourite book.