This week Puff turned 9 months old! How quickly it’s all gone. We’re starting to marvel at how big he is – it’s really astonishing how much he’s changed in such a short space of time.
This week was a pretty busy one for dad, with a big essay to work on for college. Having other things to do at home – things that require a longish attention span – has been a bit of a challenge, but with puff’s increased ability to amuse himself, and play happily on his mat for a while, it is getting easier. Here’s puff helping dad taking a break from the essay writing:
Aunty Sarah helped Puff play the piano a bit this week: I think he quite enjoyed it, though he hasn’t quite mastered the art of letting other people play.
A lot of time is spent now playing on his play mat. If we sit him on his mat, he is generally content to stay sitting, and just stretch out and grab toys.
Once he’s in a crawling position, though, the mat is just a suggestion, and he can make his way around to whatever or whomever he finds interesting. When he wants to be picked up, he will grab my hands and put them under his arms: this has happened several times now, so I know it’s not a coincidence!
Diet-wise, we’re trying him on some more foods that he can eat by himself; he usually has a good go at them, and takes little pieces out with his four (!) teeth. The latest tooth finally came through this week after a lot of threatening. Overall, he hasn’t been too distracted by getting these teeth: his sleeping patterns remain much the same.
He’s also had his first cold this week: as far as energy and enthusiasm, he’s about the same, but he has a pretty scary sounding cough.
One high-point that we’re yet to successfully capture on video is learning to clap his hands. We keep saying “clap your hands”, and sometimes he’ll stare back blankly, but other times he’ll actually do it: they don’t always completely line up, but it’s great to see him understand what we’re asking him to do, and to build up some more coordination! The funniest little anecdote from this has been when he was in his eating chair, holding on to the tray with his right hand. Dad said “clap hands” and he moved his left hand from the left side of his body in towards the middle of his body, in a clapping motion, but kept the other hand firmly holding on to the tray!
Only a parent could find that a funny anecdote, but Dad loved it.
We close this week with some footage of him playing with his red toy-storage bucket. Sometimes it even has toys in it!