week 292 / week 164

It’s been a very quiet week; we’ve been taking it easy for the most part, trying to let Puff recover from last week’s tonsillectomy.

Dad took Huff to church on Good Friday; she spent the majority of the time drawing.

Huff at church with Dad

There has been a lot of screen time this week. Here’s Dad playing Peppa Pig swimming race with Huff and Puff.

Dad, Huff and Puff playing Peppa Pig

On Saturday Dad and Huff headed out on a train for an adventure together. Huff spent a lot of time asleep in the ergo carrier, but when she was awake we had a good time.

Dad and Huff out to the city

When Dad was younger, his Mum used to take him into the city, and we’d come home with a new book, so Dad thought he’d try this out with Huff. She spotted this Octonauts cushion. We ended up with an Octonaut book for the trip home (which we read three times on the way home).

Huff as Peso

While we were waiting for the train, Huff took a lot of photos of other trains, and this “selfie”.

Huff selfie - shoes

After that adventure, we settled in for much of the Easter weekend (though we saw Grandma and Doc on Easer Sunday after a quiet rip to church) – Huff was a fan of the eggs.

Huff and Puff watching TV

We managed to fit in a trip out to see Grandragon and Bandit.

Huff, Puff, Mum and Grandragon

Today we took a bit of a trip out of the house. Puff tried to have some hot chocolate, but Dad ended up going off in search of an ice block for him instead.

Huff and Puff at Circa

Hoping that by the end of next week, everyone is back to normal.

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