week 289 / week 161

It’s been a wet week – the yard needed mowing, which was finished off in the dark. This meant figuring out some new routines, like how to do the school run in the rain. Puff is big enough for this umbrella, but Huff is a little dwarfed.

huff and puff sharing an umbrella

Huff called in (with Mum) to visit Dad for a babycino. She had a big chocolate smile, and Mum taught her to say “Why so serious?” which made everyone laugh.

huff on a babycino visit

On the weekend we were planning a trip to Monkey Mania, but it didn’t work out that way. Instead, we went to a couple of cafes in the morning.

huff and puf having lunch

The kids put up with it pretty well, but their behaviour was getting worse and worse, and then both kids fell asleep, so we changed our plans and went to visit Grandragon instead. Dad and Puff played catch for an hour, and Huff – having worn gumboots all day – finally had a chance for some puddle playing.

puff and dad play catch while huff plays in a portable puddle

The next day, Dad had some solo time with the kids. It was a total joy to go for a walk with Huff. She was telling stories, and looking at the numbers on the letterbox, and insisting that we run most of the way. She’s full of energy, and stories, and enthusiasm. Especially first thing in the morning.

huff on an early morning walk/run

Puff had his solo time with Dad in the afternoon: Dad wanted to walk along the concrete, but Puff was all about the sand. He had a great time digging through the sand, and walking along. A lesson to Dad to take things more slowly, and not be in such a rush all the time.

puff at the beach

Looks like Dad is going to need to carve out more time to spend with each child individually.

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