week 31

This week saw us take a trip to Eveleigh Markets, which is near Redfern in the city. Puff had a great time looking around at all the stalls, and then, reluctantly, going to sleep in the sling. As you can see, it’s a large market!

eveleigh markets

On the way from the car to the market, he showed how interesting he finds the camera – if it’s close enough to him, he’ll take a swipe at it, and try to play with it.

ever interested in the camera

During this week’s trip to grind (where we saw Ads and Mel), he was showing off his new-found strength at sitting up: it’s almost safe to leave him alone. Almost.

stronger at sitting

We’re seeing him – depending on how tired he is – want to be carried around more, and not like being left on the ground. He’s also developed a few more ear-piercing screams.

When happy, though, he’s exploring new foods. Having seen him demolish a rusk last week, we thought we’d try him on celery. Fresh out of the fridge, it’s quite cold on his teething gums, but by the time he tried to wipe it on my face, it was warm!

puff and dad eating celery

If he’s had enough rest, he can still be found having a great time playing on his mat, rolling on his front or back, or sliding around exploring the place. It can’t be too much longer until he’s crawling.

happy on his mat

Lastly, a short video of his first taste of spinach (blended into a green gunge). Feeding him dinner is my main interaction with him during the week, and he makes sure that it lasts a while.