week 29

Another week has flown past: lots of activity. Another trip to bible study, a weekend trip to a cafe for breakfast, then home to have lunch with old friends.

The old friends brought a present for Puff: a new play-mat. This one is *very hungry caterpillar* themed.

hungry caterpillar

Though I made a poor decision as to when to put him on the map to play – he was a bit too tired.

playing on the new mat

He continues to learn how to do new things: trying new vegetables, and tonight trying meat for the first time (mushed up amongst the vegetables).

first time eating meat

He’s started saying different words: “mum-mum”, mostly, but occasionally other sounds. I was hoping for “dad-dad”, but sadly, it went the other way. Sometimes, when you put your finger into his hand, he no longer grabs it, but rather he moves his whole hand away.

This is all okay, though: he makes up for it by being able to put his arms out when he wants to go to someome, and he regularly chooses his Dad.