week 28

Another week with not much photo-taking. It’s been go, go, go for dad this week, with something on nearly every night. I did manage to take puff on a long walk in the stroller. He liked most of the walk, but by the end was starting to whinge and look for company (previously he would have fallen asleep instead).

Dad’s busyness meant that Aunty Chan managed to spend some extra time with him this week. As a result, he had the chance to pose for some cute photos.

he fits in a saucepan!

happy after the bath

We continue to introduce new vegetables, and he’s even had pear this week. He’s had varying facial expressions with new foods, but has mostly loved them. Pear has been the exception:
not such a fan of pear

Firsts for the week
* managed (with careful supervision and coaching) to drink some water out of a glass at Grind.