Something of a quiet week this week, with much father-son adventuring. This of course poses the problem of how to fit in some father-daughter adventuring, and what that might look like, but that’s a challenge for another night.
After taking Dad to one of the seemingly never-ending physio appointments, we headed out for dinner, somewhere where we could see fish. Huff was as excited as we’ve ever seen her, dancing on the spot and saying “fish, fish”!
Apart from being out for dinner, and having dessert while watching live music (both kids refused to dance), the high point for both kids was waiting for the shuttle bus, and then catching the shuttle bus to and from the car.
The next morning we went out for breakfast. Huff was looking very cute with her pigtails and Peppa Pig outfit – it seemed as good a time as any to have a reference point for how long her hair is. It’s tough to know what to say to a little girl when there’s so much pressure to give her positive feedback for her looks, rather than anything else she might be able to do, think, or bring to the world. We try to encourage her to look “nice and neat”, but you’ll forgive, I hope, the occasional proud parent image post.
Visiting Grandragon in her new place, Huff was enthralled by a window she could both look through and pass items back and forth – she was grinning for a long while.
Sunday morning, Puff snuck into Mum and Dad’s room and asked if he and Dad could go on an adventure. Despite bitter cold, Puff’s preference was to travel by train, and so, a train and 1.5kms of walking later we were at The Grounds, playing on their playground while waiting for a table. He made everyone proud by ordering banana bread with a side of bacon, using the full description of both on the menu to the amused waitress.
After church we visited Grandma and Doc (and Aunty S). Puff played ker-plunk (Huff’s efforts to simply pull all the sticks out as quickly as possible missed the point somewhat).
Huff was happier playing with a toy kitchen. Despite several false starts with a toy kettle and various toy teacups, Doc never did get his pretend cup of tea this visit.
Tuesday Dad had the day off work, so managed to take Puff (and Bandit) to preschool.
After preschool, we went for a walk in the nearby bushland. Puff took some more risks than usual with his climbing, and we had a great time chatting about a range of almost-five-year-old topics.
Somewhat nerdily, Dad taught him the powers of two: he was fine up to 2^12, but struggled a little after that. iPad game of the week was Sprinkle, and its follow-up Sprinkle Islands.