week 250 / week 122

Quite a few thing son this week, and a long weekend too. A few things to try and remember. Friday night was a visit to M&L, for dinner. Huff and Puff had a lot of fun meeting Buster and Bonnie again – enormous dogs, but very friendly.

huff meeting a big dog

It was a bit of a late night for the kids, but they managed to hang in there, Puff playing iPhone games and Huff watching TV as they lay quietly on the couch.

huff and puff watching TV
The next day (Saturday) we made a trip to Josh and Amy’s cafe, then headed further south to meet friends and catch up at their holiday house. Puff walked Bandit along the rocks of Jervis Bay as we looked for fossilised seaweed.
puff walking bandit on the rocks
Huff was running around and grinning while Dad and Puff practiced skimming stones.
huff grinning
We had a long night of sleep, and then headed back to Sydney during the day. Despite having a good night’s sleep, they both slept soundly on the way home.
huff and puff - excellent travellers
Sunday night was a trip to Sydney to look at the Vivid festival. We brought Grandragon too – it was her first Vivid festival.
huff with grandragon at vivid 2013
The kids enjoyed it. Puff’s favourite part was the pinball animation on the sails of the Opera House. Huff didn’t seem to have a favourite, but enjoyed walking around the ground-level installations looking at the lights.
huff and puff at vivid 2013
Monday was a public holiday, so Dad took Puff into the city (yes, again) for some father-son time. We went to his first movie – a 45 min documentary on butterflies called “Flight of the Butterfly”. He had a good time (and there were no scary parts, which was a concern).
puff at the movies
We had a good day out. Movie, gelato, lunch together, and some walking around the city. Dad’s hoping this becomes a regular fixture.
Meanwhile, Huff went out with Mum and the Grandragon to feed the ducks. Here she is playing peek-a-boo with Mum.
huff playing peekaboo
Oh, and in only tangentially related news, Dad handed in his last essay for the M Div. When he asked Puff if he should study something else, Puff said he’d rather that Dad spend time doing fun things with he, Mum and Huff. So we’ll try that for a while.

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