week 248 / week 120

Not many photos from this week: we were busy preparing for Grandragon’s surprise birthday celebration, and Dad has been alternately looking after both kids solo, and hiding out working on his essay.

While Dad was at work, Mum, Grandragon and the kids went to Camelia gardens to feed the ducks. Unlike the place we usually go, where the ducks are behind a fence, these ducks come out in search of the food. Puff wasn’t troubled at all, towering over the ducks as he does.

puff feeding ducks

Huff, on the other hand, had more problems with the height difference, but soon warmed up, and was enjoying feeding the ducks. This jacket is a new favourite of hers. From her cot in the morning she stands up, then stretches to reach anything she can on the change mat. One morning Dad came in to see her wearing the jacket over her pyjamas. She’d even persuaded her brother to zip the jacket up!

huff feeding ducks

Saturday morning was a big adventure with Dad: we drove to Eveleigh markets listening to some Beethoven (Puff still requests the “31 song”, i.e. Mozart’s symphony no 40. This disagreement over classical music led to exchanges like “I like Mo-zart best”. “Moat-zart”. “Moat-zart”. 

Once we made it to the markets, Puff ordered the blini – one for him and one for his sister. Huff managed about 1/3 or the snack. Her brother ate all of his, and the lion’s share of her leftovers, and then they managed a fair tilt at Dad’s breakfast afterwards!

huff and puff with blini

Saturday lunch was Grandragon’s surprise birthday. Dad managed to keep the kids behaving pretty well throughout, but as a result didn’t take any usable photos. Then, Saturday night, Dad organised dinner for the kids and put them to bed. Next morning we had pancakes for breakfast and then took the kids to the park for some pre-church running around. Huff had a great time going in circles under this handrail.

huff spinning

Puff was bolder. This is him jumping around on the play equipment, but he was having a great time sliding head-first down the slides, and even going solo on the swings.

puff climbing

Mum took this snap during the night-time routine. Their childhood continues to go by so fast.

huff and puff having stories

See you next week!

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