Welcome to another week’s update, brought to you by Puff, who is mostly calling himself “Flami” (after an iPhone game character) again this week. Here is one of his recent artworks on the “Doodle Pro”. Dad walked into the kids’ room this week, and was greeted by both Huff and Puff as “Peck” (another iPhone game character).
With Anzac Day, after Dad and Puff came home from the dawn service, we decided to go out as a family to play at a park (and grab a coffee). Huff and Puff had a great time on the play equipment. Huff is getting more dexterous at her climbing.
They played near each other, if not together. Puff needed Dad’s help to figure out this maze. Huff wasn’t really interested in the maze – there was important sliding to do.
A trip to the bookshop later, we had books for each of them. A Hairy Maclary touch-and-feel book for Huff, and a “Don’t let the pigeon finish the activity book” book for Puff. Which he read. In its entirety.
On Saturday, Huff had a babycino with Dad. She enjoyed it, as you can tell by this moustache.
Then, later, we ended up at another, newly-opened cafe.
It wasn’t all good news this week. Grandragon spent some time in hospital, and the kids had lots of chances to visit. They were very well behaved, and lots of the other visitors gave us positive feedback about them.
Sunday morning we tried keeping Huff quiet in church with a couple of jigsaw puzzles. It was moderately successful.
Less quiet, but more successful, was the kids playing on Grandma’s piano. They were pretty gentle with the keys, all things considered.
Huff’s favourite thing to do at the moment is to draw. She has a very distinctive style.