weeks 20, 21, 22

Our first holiday with puff saw us away from regular internet access, and so – even though we were away for less than two weeks – these three updates are combined.

week 20
In the lead-up to the holiday, puff went to his first engagement party.

another smile

conveniently labelled, in case we forget

puff the magic baby


trying to crawl

no longer confused, just happy

Holidaying with a baby is much more hard work than holidaying without one. There are the frequent stops, having to take a number of different things just for the baby, but mostly the problems with sleeping.

Loading the car each time became easier the more we practiced: portable cot at the back of the boot, then the stroller, then the other bags nestled around the stroller. Most frustrating was the plastic chair: we drove around 2000kms, and didn’t use it once.

*week 21*
The poor sleeping began here in earnest: from 9 hours of sleep per night, down to medium single digits. highlights were his first big thing (the big slurpee), first swim, and first time meeting the great grandragon. He also received a number of gifts (first moneybox), and had his first cake – a welcome cake from his grandragon.

in the shadow of the big slurpee

first swim

relaxing at yamba

the holiday, from puff's perspective

meeting the grandragon and great-grandragon

*week 22*
This week had his first bath with other people, his worst night’s sleep in a long time (feeding every two hours), and his first diagnosed illness – a bit of a tummy bug, which means he gets extra feeds, and is a bit more pale, and more restrained than usual.

the world is my dummy

the holiday, as seen by puff

helping to order from the menu

stretching out on the bed

I'm out of the car!!

sleeping through his own welcome party

thanks for the moneybox!

Oh, and he had his first Australia day, where he was quite popular with a variety of kids.

australia day

He’s now increasingly mobile. While not actually crawling yet, he can wriggle and inch-worm his way around any flat surface he’s placed on. This makes looking after him a little more challenging at times.

His interest in the world around him continues to expand: in week 20, he saw his first fish tank, and was amazed for minutes at a time. We put this distraction to good use when in Ballina he was upset: we walked into a fish-shop, and he calmed down considerably.