week 230 / week 102

A slightly quieter week with Dad, again, spending some more time than usual looking after the kids. It was tricky keeping them quiet for church on Sunday with only one parent wrangling: perhaps more practice is in order.

Mum took the kids to a petting zoo that was conveniently located at Hurstville Westfield. Puff is  fearless with animals now.

puff feeding a lamb

Huff took a bit longer to warm to them, but enjoyed it (perhaps more than this photo would suggest).

huff feeding a lamb

There were lots of different animals around. puff patting a chick

Huff is more confident on her feet every day. Dad already has a sense of “what was he worrying about” with her walking, and yet the memory of not knowing when she’d learn is still acute. Here she is showing off climbing up a slippery dip: she’s still careful when she needs to be, but the confidence to try is there.

huff climbing

On a cafe trip, we spotted a phone booth with a little shelf – it seemed perfect for a flying baby type of photo.

huff floating

Puff was keen to give it a try too.

puff floating?

Friday was a really hot day in Sydney (45.8 degrees) – so Huff and Puff had slurpees, and ice creams. Despite all the extra sugar, Huff still had a nap in the afternoon. The smartie pop-ups are probably the tidiest ice creams on the market: recommended.

huff and puff with icecreams on a hot day

On the weekend, we went looking at a couple of cafes. With Huff sleeping, Puff and Dad had the chance to spend some time together – we worked on one of Puff’s find-a-word / find-a-picture puzzles for a while.

puff finding words and pictures

Looking for a break from her car seat while we were parked for a while, Huff had a chance to play in the car with Mum. She was very reluctant to give up the grown-up seat when it was time to go back in the car.

huff trying the big seatbelt

Other highlights

  • a chance for the kids to Skype with an old friend
  • Puff worked out a way to take off his sunglasses while looking particularly cool
  • Dad looking after the kids solo on a hot day and a church morning service
  • Huff asks to go to “IKEA” on a regular basis

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